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Green Dynamo has been established to leverage the knowledge and experience of its founders and their many strong relationships in the local authority, social housing, energy and construction sectors to develop successful and innovative partnerships resulting in long term sustainable value for all stakeholders.

We are community regeneration specialists and can help with all aspects of developing projects from feasibility and funding to delivery.

What we do


Through our experience and network we can guide, source and provide attractive and innovative funding and finance packages including ECO and private investment to Local Authorities, Social Housing Providers, Contractors, Installers, Other Commercial Organisations, Landlords and Individual Householders.


We can provide a wide range or surveying and carbon analysis and compliance including domestic, commercial, SAP, SBEM, ECO and Green Deal assessments. In addition our team are experts in renewable and low carbon feasibility and option appraisals.


Our wide network gives us access to various energy saving and low carbon technical solutions that we can introduce to clients often in combination with innovative commercial proposals.


Energy Efficiency means using less energy to provide the same service. Investing in energy efficiency can cost time, resources and money so its important that investment generates the best possible returns, after all we all have a responsibility to make energy work for us in the best way possible, from light bulbs to insulation Green Dynamo is the one stop shop that can help your organization make the best use of it’s energy to help stakeholders, tenants and your communities get the most from energy.


At Green Dynamo we can support your organisation by integrating sales, marketing and brand building activities to enable your organisation to reach new heights of effectiveness. We have in our organisation Business Development expertise that has generated over £750m of business activity through a range of sales methodologies and approaches over the past 5 years in a variety of market segments and products, get in touch to  see how we can help you.


If you are looking for an organization to provide help or support within the policy environment, to support knowledge transfer initiatives or provide help in terms of policy landscape and or strategy then our organization may be able to help within the field of energy efficiency, energy conservation and other energy related activities. At our core we have experienced leaders who have led the policy agenda’s for govt obligations and we are well placed to provide advice, lobbying or strategy considerations for a wide range of industries.

Get in touch

We’d love to hear from you, we are happy to answer any questions or offer any assistance you require.

110 Chandos Avenue, Whetstone, London, England, N20 9DZ